A Nature Guide's -
Guide to the Wet Tropics
Ngadjonji History of the Rainforest People
The original inhabitants of the rainforest country around Malanda in Far North Queensland
The Ngadjonji were among the first to embrace the new technology of the internet. Their web site is, in our opinion, the best indigenous web site in Australia. Reconciliation works best through understanding. Education works best through access.
The Ngadjonji Elders deserve the highest praise in this regard.
Source: Web Site
Cairns Unlimited
Aboriginal Culture
Until recent years, the closest that many foreign visitors came to Aboriginal culture in Australia was buying a cheap Chinese-made boomerang in a tacky souvenir shop. But these days, awareness and appreciation of Aboriginal art and culture are at an all time high. Tropical North Queensland is rich with Aboriginal culture, and we will show you a range of Aboriginal experiences that will be both enjoyable and educational. Enjoy one of the oldest and richest cultures of the world.
Venture into the wild spaces of Far North Queensland, and you enter a world steeped in ancient Aboriginal culture with spirits and legends recorded in rock art.The web site is a list of the places, monuments, galleries and attractions around Tropical North Queensland which either showcase Aboriginal art and culture, or hold significance to the Aboriginal people. Source: Web Site
The Living Knowledge Place
The Living Knowledge Place is an online Indigenous and community based education site that showcases living cultural, community and environmental digital content for education and wellbeing purposes. The site is developed to cater for our evolving Australian culture, where the community is the content. The aim is to create education material that is relevant to the issues and aspirations of our communities and create more opportunities towards the future survival of our children’s culture, community, and environment.
Indigenous Biocultural Knowledge
This website aims to draw attention to the wealth of projects, research and management plans where Indigenous Biocultural Knowledge has been used and Aboriginal people have added great value to our understanding of Australian ecology and land management practices.
Many Aboriginal people and their non-Indigenous colleagues have and are working on a range of projects to manage and understand Country using Indigenous Biocultural knowledge and western science. This website offers an indicative map of where these projects have been documented and provides examples of current leading practice, review material, related resources and case studies of “living” knowledge and projects that have not been documented.
Hint Use the MAP and click on location