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     Queensland Parks &

Wildlife Service


Find a park or forest for picnicking, bushwalking, camping or canoeing.

Find infomation about the park. 

Book and pay online now for camping permits and vehicle access permits  in Queensland National Parks and State Forests.


Natural History Information including geology fauna and flora.

Wet Tropics Management Authority
An almost endless amount of information available here including wildlife, plants, geology, rainforest eductaion programms, vegetation maps, bushwalking info, evolution of the Wet Tropics , wet tropic specific info etc....The web site is always up to date.
Keep up to date with Wet Tropics news and subscribe to the news letter.
Trees for The Atherton and
Everlyn Tablelands


Trees for the Evelyn and Atherton Tablelands (TREAT) was started in 1982 by botanist Joan Wright and rainforest ecologist Geoff Tracey, who recognised the need for a community-based tree planting organisation to revegetate degraded lands and create corridors for wildlife on the Tablelands.


TREAT has wonderful working relationships with the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service – Restoration Services – at the Lake Eacham Nursery, many landholders, other landcare and community groups.

Tree Kangaroo &
Mammal Group

The Tree-Kangaroo and Mammal Group (TKMG) is an incorporated community group based on the Atherton Tablelands in Far North Queensland, Australia, made up of local residents interested in, and concerned for, the conservation of North Queensland's rich mammal fauna.


These include Australia's largest arboreal mammals, the Lumholtz's and Bennett's Tree-kangaroos (tree-climbers), the Spotted-tailed Quoll and the rainforest dwelling Musky Rat-kangaroo, and mammals of the wet sclerophyll (eucalypt) forests including the Yellow-bellied Glider, Northern Bettong, and the Black-footed Tree-rat.


                 Rainforest - Australia
Chambers Wildlife Rainforest Lodges
Lake Eacham, Atherton Tableland,
Tropical North Queensland Australia

 A wonderful web site full of great factual infomation and links. Also a great place to stay and see shy wildlife up close.


          Stanley and Kiasa Breeden
STANLEY and Kaisa Breeden have crawled, waited in the mud for hours and battled ticks, wind, rain and leeches.  But it's all been worth it for their stunning masterpiece, Rainforest Country.

The magic of the rainforest comes to the couple daily at their Far North Queensland home. The award-winning nature writers and digital photographers experience creatures of the tropics literally on their doorstep.


The couple specialise in macro photography using just natural light. They developed a combination of two techniques called HDR-DOF (a mixture of high dynamic range photography and depth of field).

Source: The Australian



James Cook University
Research Online
ResearchOnline@JCU is the online institutional repository for James Cook University, developed and maintained by Library and Information Services. It contains a growing collection of publications and creative works which form the University’s archive of research outputs of staff and higher degree research post graduate students.

This repository is a source of publicly funded research and is freely available to the community. It enables access to JCU’s research publications, including those with full-text where copyright and confidentiality conditions permit.


It contains records of books, book chapters, journal articles, conference papers, unpublished manuscripts, theses, technical reports, working and discussion papers, fine art, images, audio, music scores and performance videos. Source : JCU


Wildlife Online

Species lists


Wildlife Online ( ) is an application that allows you to request species lists for:

  • protected areas (e.g. national parks, conservation areas)
  • forestry areas (state forests and timber reserves)
  • local government areas.

You can also customise your own search area by using coordinates—latitudes and longitudes.


The Species profile search ) facility also enables you to find species information such as species names, notes and images for Queensland’s native and naturalised plants and animals. You can download species records in a number of formats. Source : Web site QLD Gov

Ngadjonji History of the Rainforest People

The original inhabitants of the rainforest country around Malanda in Far North Queensland

The Ngadjonji were among the first to embrace the new technology of the internet. Their web site is, in our opinion, the best indigenous web site in Australia. Reconciliation works best through understanding. Education works best through access.
The Ngadjonji Elders deserve the highest praise in this regard.
Source: Web Site



Green Guide Far North Queensland

Greenguide is a portal to all the environmental groups in far north Queensland. It also has a handy subject mater search feature. Find out what is happening environmentally speaking in far north Queensland.




Douglas Shire Historical Society


The Douglas Shire Historical Society meets on the first Monday of every month, alternately in Port Douglas and Mossman at 2pm. We visit historic sites and hear presentations on local history. We encourage our members to research and present their findings or to share old photos.

What the Society does:

  • Operates the Court House Museum, Port Douglas (you are welcome to join the roster as a volunteer attendant)

  • Conducts historic walks for groups along the heritage trail in Port Douglas

  • Researches and publishes local history books and bulletins

  • Collects local history papers, historic photographs and oral histories

  • Prepares and mounts poster displays for schools and the community

  • Promotes signposted historic walks in Port Douglas, Mossman and Daintree Village Source: Web Site



Lake Eacham Historical Society


The Eacham Historical Society, located in Malanda on the Atherton Tablelands, Far North Queensland, Australia.
The EHS:

  • encourages the study of local history.

  • collects and maintains historical records, material and places of historic interests.

  • promotes the interchange of information through talks, discussions, excursions and exhibitions

     Source: Web Site



Cairns Unlimited
Aboriginal Culture


Until recent years, the closest that many foreign visitors came to Aboriginal culture in Australia was buying a cheap Chinese-made boomerang in a tacky souvenir shop. But these days, awareness and appreciation of Aboriginal art and culture are at an all time high. Tropical North Queensland is rich with Aboriginal culture, and we will show you a range of Aboriginal experiences that will be both enjoyable and educational. Enjoy one of the oldest and richest cultures of the world.


Venture into the wild spaces of Far North Queensland, and you enter a world steeped in ancient Aboriginal culture with spirits and legends recorded in rock art.The web site is a list of the places, monuments, galleries and attractions around Tropical North Queensland which either showcase Aboriginal art and culture, or hold significance to the Aboriginal people.     Source: Web Site



Geology of the Wet Tropics Bioregion (WTMA)


This dataset contains polygons depicting geology as deliniated by botanist J.P.Stanton and geologist D.J.Stanton within the Wet Tropics bioregion.

The geology mapping of the Wet Tropics Bioregion is based on interpretation of aerial photographs during WTMAs Vegetation of the Wet Tropics of Queensland bioregion mapping project. Aerial photography was also used to select sites and traverses for ground truthing work. The geological classification and boundaries were based on their relevence to vegetation patterns.

Source: Web Site



Google Earth  &
Queensland Topographic


This is an amazingly powerful tool when you learn how to use it. This is a global information system (GIS) at your figure tips. Never be bamboozled by the topograpghy again.


The Queensland Topographic gives you online topographic maps with some trails available.



    North Queensland Geology
                              JHC Bain & JJ Draper
Since the discovery of gold at Cape River in 1867, mining has played an important role in North Queensland by providing income, opening up new areas to settlement and providing markets for pastoralists and retailers. Mining is valued at more than $700 million per annum. Over 24 million ounces of gold have been mined or discovered in North Queensland.
The Charters Towers district is a world class gold province with 15 million ounces of gold discovered in that area alone to date. Bauxite is a major commodity, contributing 10% of the world's production. The area has also been a major tin producer, and has produced, or is producing, base metals, nickel, tungsten, kaolin, antimony, silver, gemstones, limestone, dimension stone, dolomite, perlite, fluorite, molybdenum and diatomite.






Bain, J.H.C. & Draper, J.J., 1998. North Queensland geology. Bulletin  240. Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Canberra


Wildlife Conservancy of Tropical Queensland


Neither the States nor the Commonwealth can continue to meet the expanding cost of nature conservation from tax revenues alone. We must therefore look for additional ways to conserve and manage our fabulous biodiversity. The Conservancy has an extremely well-established track record in tropical Queensland, and has been working to meet an urgent need for practically-oriented non-government wildlife conservation for over 10 years.


The core objective of the Conservancy is to work with the community, all levels of government and the private sector, to conserve wildlife in the most biodiverse region of Australia. With many years of experience and a wealth of expertise, the Board of Management of the Conservancy and its staff are at the forefront of non-government nature conservation in tropical Queensland.




Cooktown District Historial Society


                   Award-winning history display


The Cooktown History Centre, run by the Cooktown & District Historical Society, offers a unique insight into the intriguing history of the area with stories, photos, interactive displays, murals and oral histories. It is housed in the oldest building in Charlotte Street – it was erected in 1875 as Cooktown’s first post and telegraph office.


‘                   Cooktown Through the Years


This stunning exhibition brings to life the historic railway, early roads, cyclones and other disasters, early families and what happened to the local indigenous people. - Source: Web Site

Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC)

AWC: has a new model for conservation. The  Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) was established more than 10 years ago because Australia has the worst mammal extinction rate in the world and a very high proportion of our surviving animals and plants (over 1,700 species) are listed as threatened with extinction. 'Business as usual' for conservation in Australia will mean additional extinctions.


AWC is therefore developing and implementing a new model for conservation to reverse the decline in our wildlife. Our strategy is simple: Establish sanctuaries by acquiring land and through partnerships with landholders; and Implement practical land management – feral animal control and fire management – informed by good science. Source: Web Site

Bush Heriatge Australia

Bush Heritage Australia is a private conservation organisation that protects millions of hectares of ecologically important land, thanks to the generosity of everyday Australians who support us.


Our story began in Tasmania, 1990, when Dr Bob Brown used prize money from an environmental award as a down payment to protect 241 hectares of old‑growth forest from wood chipping in Tasmania's Liffey Valley.

The campaign to pay off the remaining $200 000 loan was the birth of Bush Heritage and that land is now our Liffey River and Dry's Bluff Reserves, parts of which are UN World Heritage Listed.


We soon embraced a national vision for conservation, buying other reserves around Australia to preserve threatened areas.

With over 70% of Australian land privately held we can extend our reach by partnering with other land owners, sharing our knowledge and methods to help others achieve their conservation goals. Source: Web Site

Skyrail Nature Diary

Skyrail Nature diary is an online resource of over 11 years of


monthly diary notes from the Skyrail Ranger/Guides It is well


researched and quiet extensive.





Cairns & Far North Environment Centre

The Cairns and Far North Environment Centre (CAFNEC) is the peak regional non-government environment organisation for Far North Queensland.


Every environmental issue in North Queensland is covered in this web site.


It was established in 1981 by concerned local and regional community members with an interest in nature conservation and environmental protection.


Our mission as an organisation is to ensure the unique and special natural heritage of Far North Queensland is protected.





The Living Knowledge Place

The Living Knowledge Place is an online Indigenous and community based education site that showcases living cultural, community and environmental digital content for education and wellbeing purposes. The site is developed to cater for our evolving Australian culture, where the community is the content. The aim is to create education material that is relevant to the issues and aspirations of our communities and create more opportunities towards the future survival of our children’s culture, community, and environment.

Tolga Bat Hospital

Our activities began in 1990, the year tick paralysis was discovered in Spectacled flying foxes (SFF) on the Atherton Tablelands. We originally worked with the SFFs resident at the Tolga Scrub, and hence our name. We now work with any bat, megabat or microbat, from anywhere. Bats come to us for rescue from hundreds of kilometres away, and we also take bats for sanctuary who are being retired from zoos.

​ Source: Web Site

Tropical Ecosystems Hub

The National Environmental Research Program (NERP) provides for applied public good research. The overall objective of the program is to improve our capacity to understand, manage and conserve Australia’s unique biodiversity and ecosystems through the generation of world-class research and its delivery to Australian environmental decision makers and other stakeholders. The program attracted $68.5 million in funding over four years to provide first-class science that is essential for sustainability managing Australia’s environment.


Published report found on the site.


Source: Web Site

Sarah Scrag Films
Living in Far North Queensland in the small town of Yungaburra I have immediate access to the Wet Tropics World Heritage area as well as the rural country of the Atherton Tableland, the gateway to Cape York and the Torres Strait.
Excellent free films of local subject matter experts.


Australian Dictionary of Biography
The Australian Dictionary of Biography is Australia's pre-eminent dictionary of national biography. In it you will find concise, informative and fascinating descriptions of the lives of significant and representative persons in Australian history.
Search any Australian name from the past indigenous or European.
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